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Specialized Funds Award Over $155,000 to 15 Local Organizations

The Omaha Community Foundation awarded a total of $155,303 to 15 local organizations from three specialized grant funds: Creche Childhood Education Fund, Jetton Charitable Fund, and Richard A. Shaw Fund. Each fund supports […]

Sep 23rd, 2021   News, Nonprofits, Philanthropy

Channeling Their Parents’ “Philanthropic Mindset”

“What would our parents do?” As the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold in the spring of 2020, it’s a question Don Otis, Carol Stolp, and Nancy Knight had to […]

Sep 21st, 2021   COVID-19, News, Philanthropy, Stories

Legacy Giving: More Than Memories

It was a critical two-year stretch early in their relationship that shaped the values Lawrence “Red” Thomas and his wife Jann have tried to live by for over 60 years […]

Sep 10th, 2021   News, Stories

Community Resilience Fund Awards $65K to Nonprofits for Pandemic Recovery

The Omaha Community Foundation is pleased to announce another round of Community Resilience Fund grant recipients. Three local nonprofits, serving those disproportionately affected by COVID-19, received funds totaling $65,000. Launched in […]

Sep 7th, 2021   COVID-19, News

Amplifying for Impact: The Community Loan Fund

Sooner or later, everything old is new again. This phrase is often tossed around when it comes to fashion or music. But did you know it also applies to philanthropy […]

Sep 2nd, 2021   Donors, News, Philanthropy, Stories

Endow Iowa Tax Credit: August 2021 Update

Less than one third of the available Endow Iowa tax credits remain for 2022, as reported by the Iowa Economic Development Authority this week. As of August 9, 2021, approximately […]

Aug 11th, 2021   Donors, Southwest Iowa

The Role of Data in Philanthropy

From our research and listening work in The Landscape, we know someone’s experience living in the Omaha metro can vary greatly depending on their identity and zip code. Systemic racism […]

Aug 3rd, 2021   Landscape Stories

OCF Launches New Data Site with Community Indicators

The Omaha Community Foundation has launched a new, comprehensive platform to house its data indicator project, The Landscape. The community-driven data project presents credible, comprehensive findings to better understand key […]

Jul 28th, 2021   Knowledge, News

Change is Needed to Employ Black Women, Immigrants, and Essential Workers

When a worker at a meatpacking plant contracted coronavirus, her employer offered two weeks of paid leave. After that, “Julia” continued to struggle with long-term health issues caused by COVID-19. […]

Jul 27th, 2021   COVID-19, Landscape Stories, Stories

Let’s Reconnect

We recently wrapped up our What Community Means to Us campaign featuring our Donor Service team. After a more than a year of phone calls and Zooms, we wanted to reconnect and […]

Jul 26th, 2021   Philanthropy

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You can help us strengthen our community, and we can help you make your giving more effective. Be a part of the good we’re growing by contributing to one of our funds or opening your own philanthropic fund.