Mr. L’s journey through the Fresh Start program at the Heart Ministry Center is a testament to the transformative power of dedication, support, and community. When Mr. L first arrived, he carried the weight of addiction and a fractured life, struggling to find stability or hope. Referred by Douglas County Drug Court, he was at a crossroads, looking for change but unsure where to begin. He needed a fresh start. 

In Heart Ministry Center’s Fresh Start program, Mr. L found more than just a job training program. He found a lifeline — a structured path toward his next chapter of self-sufficiency. With the support of counselors and mentors, he began rebuilding his life from the ground up. It wasn’t easy. There were setbacks, moments of doubt, but he never faltered in his determination. Mr. L embraced sobriety with fervor, attending AA meetings and immersing himself in therapy to confront the demons that had plagued him for years. 

Through the guidance of Fresh Start, Mr. L not only secured employment but excelled in his new career, earning praise for his dedication and earning a raise within months. His success wasn’t just measured in terms of a job; it was reflected in his regained driver’s license, the healing of family rifts, and his steady progress toward clearing his legal obligations. 

As part of the City of Omaha’s ARPA Community Grant Program, the Heart Ministry Center used a $335,891 grant for their Fresh Start program over the course of two years. The funds enabled the Heart Ministry Center to expand its services precisely when they were needed most, during the challenges of the pandemic. The grant supported enhanced job training, mental health services, and crucial community outreach efforts that provided stability for participants like Mr. L. 

Today, Mr. L is more than an employee; he’s a beacon of hope for others still navigating their own recoveries. His story, shared within the Heart Ministry Center’s community, inspires new participants to persevere, knowing that transformation is possible with dedication and the right support system. 

The Heart Ministry Center’s mission, rooted in “Dignity For All,” is embodied in Mr. L’s journey. It’s not just about finding a job; it’s about creating a mindset that empowers individuals to reclaim their lives and thrive. Each Fresh Start graduate emerges not only with employment but also with a renewed sense of purpose and the tools to navigate life’s challenges. 

As the Center continues to evolve and expand its offerings, Mr. L stands as living proof of the impact of their work. His story illustrates that with compassion, comprehensive support, and a commitment to growth, lives can be transformed, families can heal, and communities can flourish. 



The City of Omaha partnered with the Omaha Community Foundation to administer the ARPA Community Grant Program because of the foundation’s work with local nonprofits and awareness of community needs. The grant program focused on providing funding to expand or enhance existing programs in areas of Crisis Intervention & Violence Prevention, and Workforce Development. 

The City of Omaha ARPA Community Grant Program awarded $9.6 million to 35 nonprofit organizations. Eligible programs included youth programs such as mentoring, gang prevention and intervention, mental health, crisis response, and assistance to unemployed workers including workforce readiness training, certification, and employment services. 

See all City of Omaha ARPA Community Grant Program grant recipients. 

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0230 awarded to the City of Omaha by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.