The Omaha Community Foundation is excited to announce the release of the 2024 Community Interest Funds report, showcasing the power of resident-led grantmaking across five grant programs. These funds, driven by the leadership and expertise of local committee members, reflect the needs and priorities of metro-area residents.

What You’ll Find Inside
  • Record Number of Requests: In 2024, we received 240 applications requesting $3.8 million in funding. The committees awarded 90 grants totaling $845,000 to local nonprofits and neighborhood groups.
  • Key Insights: From Arts & Culture to Community initiatives, explore which focus areas received the most funding requests.
  • Committee Perspectives: Hear from committee members who helped shape the 2024 funding decisions.

For a detailed look at the 2024 Community Interest Funds and all of the supported projects, view the full 2024 report now.

Why Resident-Led Grantmaking Matters

At the heart of our Community Interest Funds is the belief that those closest to the issues should lead the solutions. By placing decision-making power in the hands of community members, we ensure that grant funds are used where they can have the greatest impact.

Support Community-Driven Change

Interested in supporting this work? Donate to the Community Interest Funds to help strengthen local nonprofits and neighborhoods.